February 2025

I hope everyone survived the “big” snow a couple of weeks ago. I believe some members had a heads up and left town! In case Mother Nature decides to send us some more winter weather, the Club’s cancellation policy is below. The February meeting will be held at the Olney Swim Center on Thursday, February 6th. The social time begins at 7 pm with pizza and the meeting begins at 7:30 pm. I hear some members will have dive reports of warm water and pleasant temperatures. I cannot wait!

Weather Cancellation policy

If Montgomery County Public Schools cancels school or closes early, the meeting will also be cancelled. If evening events are still scheduled, the meeting will be held. Of course all members should use their judgement. If you deem the roads not safe to drive on, please stay home.

Dues - 2025

Your 2025 dues now due? Dues are $15 per member or $30 for a family of two (2) or more. These can be mailed to Margo von Kaenel.

Equipment Servicing

Just a friendly reminder that now is a great time to have your gear serviced for the upcoming dive season.

Local Bubble Dive

The Club does not hold a local bubble dive in February, but we try to get back in the water in March. Watch your email for a flyer with all the details for the next local bubble dive. In order to meet the new boat launch rules, divers will need to dive from a kayak, inflatable boat, or possibly a paddleboard.

From Joe's Desk:

Wow! We have a really good track record for missing blizzards and general nastiness while we’re gone on the January getaway. But this year, WooHoo!! We missed the coldest snap in years, and enjoyed 85 degree temps every day. It was so nice. Everyone loved Lion’s Dive Resort down in Curacao. We will definitely be going back there!! Now we are getting ready to start SCUBA classes again and go to Cozumel in March!